Helping managers to understand staff's training needs in Skillable

This insight was uncovered by our research initiative in Billund, Denmark to understand how could increase user engagement and interest in Skillable, Carlsbeg's learning app

The Problem we’re trying to solve

Hospitality outlet managers have shown a lot of interest in Skillable, but they are often skeptical about inviting their staff members to use the platform. In Denmark, where we conducted on-site research, metrics showed that out of an audience of 80.6% of added managers signed in, but only 282 of 831 (34.2%)of those managers ended up inviting staff members.

What were the obstacles preventing managers from inviting their staff members to use the product?

Process and key actions

To address this problem, our team worked on several design initiatives that would help manage overpayments effectively. These initiatives included:

Activation Funnel Deep Dive (Google analytics and PowerBI)

-We studied patterns and client segments to determine engagement issues in small outlets versus big chains. Collaborating with market champions, we identified key customers and validated potential solutions. Our aim was to understand user behavior and boost engagement.

Interviews with key customers

The interview guide mainly revolved around first impressions and suggestions, with a primary focus on understanding the reasons behind their reluctance to invite their staff. Our objective was to deconstruct those barriers and find solutions to overcome them.

"I can only create lessons, after knowing the type of lessons that worth spending time on"

“I need to understand their weaknesses and strengths”

“How can i suggest an app, if i don’t know if that is going to be useful”

Sense making with Affinity Map

After clustering all the feedback into themes, rapidly some topics start to emerged. And the frame a bit the problem we came up with this "How high we..." How might we help managers to understand staff's training needs

Brainstorming with the product team

Based on our HMW, we get the team together and start brainstorming about possibilities to get us closer to solve our problem.

Service sketch and wireframes

With all the feedback, and before jumping into wireframes, we've decided, almost as an interview follow up, telling our Key customers, what we were thinking about, and if that was the way to go.

A lot of ideas and concepts were put into place. So we’ve voted and picked that one solution, to start to elaborate a bit more. A way for us to evaluate, staff members current flaws, so managers could help them by building meaningful and tailored courses

One idea was to introduce evaluation lessons that would become available to staff members upon completing all the lessons within a course. This would allow staff members to test their knowledge for their own enjoyment. Simultaneously, managers would receive a detailed report highlighting the results and areas for improvement, thereby guiding the creation of future content.

Outcome and Success metrics

To conclude, our approach involved avoiding the creation of an entirely new set of features. Instead, we focused on enriching our lessons to be more comprehensive and enlightening. By implementing an Evaluation lesson following the completion of all lessons by staff members, we provided managers with valuable insights into their staff's areas for improvement. Armed with this knowledge, managers could then develop more customized and tailored content to address these specific needs.

- (80.6%) Managers signed in … is now 82%

- (34.2%) Staff invited… is now 67%

Next Steps

Considering the importance of assessing staff members' natural interests and motivations, our next logical step was to explore methods for incorporating this information into their profiles. This could involve either adding the information directly to their profiles or implementing a new onboarding flow that enables staff members to express their interests.

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